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Let me introduce you… sunflower halva!

What is halva?

Halva is a type of famous snack of Central and Eastern Europeans. There is a plenty of halva specifications, but halva made of peeled and roasted sunflower kernels became leader on the market.
Sunflower kernels halva recipe is based on oriental sweets, but the ingredients of the typical Iranian or Turkish halva differ from nuts or seeds to flour or carrot. The appearance of halva on the Eastern Europe land refers to Quazi, one successful Greek manufacturer. In XIX century the capacity of his nuts and seeds halva production reached the 800 kg per day and his sweet innovation became famous and desirable by lots of gourmets. Due to economic problems of early XX the idea of changing the expensive foreign raw to widespread sunflower kernels became more popular.


What is sunflower halva made from?

Halva has an ancient history, thus the first specifications of this type of oriental sweets were homemade. Iranian housewives prepared halva almost from all products they had. They told how to make halva to their daughters, and so the tradition to pass the family secret of halva ingredients from mouth to mouth is alive even now. But the globalization process made the secret accessible to other nationality representatives, which had mixed many technologies and specifications in halva production process.
There are plenty of recipes of Persian, Greek, Turkish halva, but I will tell you about the sweet sunflower seeds halva, Eastern Europe modification of the Asian traditional snack.
The appropriate halva ingredients are:

  • roasted and mashed sunflower kernels,
  • white sugar and starch syrup,
  • natural foam-maker (for example, extract of a soap root),
  • additional components (cocoa, vanilla, peanut, raisin and others).

Nutritional benefits of sunflower seeds halva

Sunflower seeds are rich on vitamins and minerals. Thus, sunflower seeds halva contains vitamin B1 and F, which have pleasant effect on neural system and blood circulation. It helps to prevent the skin diseases and safe the hair beauty regardless of age. Calcium influences the bones strengthen and cardiovascular system. Magnesium normalizes the arterial pressure. 
But you should be attentive with the dose. Halva contains much fat, so it is not recommended to eat more than 30 g of the product for a day. You also should not compose halva with hard caloric foodHalva will become perfect solution for people, who are aimed at putting weight (sportsmen, workers involved in hard manual labor). It is better to taste this sweet in morning and the sunflower kernels halva will provide you with the energy for the whole day.


How to recognize high-quality halva?

Form and color

It is enough to have a look on halva to make the best choice. The natural color of sunflower kernels halva is deep gray. If the proposed halva brick has a light gray, yellow-gray or any else color, it means that there are unpleasant chemical ingredients in product content. 
Be attentive with product structure. The high-quality halva makes in layers. It can`t look like smooth mass. The halva bricks covered with oil or sugar sports is usually spoiled, because the technology of halva production was broken. It refers to wrong products proportion or quality raw exchange.

Flavor and taste

The good halva has a light flavor of fresh roasted sunflower seeds kernels. The taste of the product is sweet but not to sugary. It should be dry and easy crumbled.

Content on the package

For high quality halva preparation it is enough to use the quality raw without chemical additions (pigments, dyes, emulsifying agents etc.). It must content kernels, caramel and natural foam-maker. The flavor additional components, like cocoa, peanut or raisin, have to be natural too. 
To make a conclusion of all these facts, it is necessary to notice that 30 g of fresh and quality halva few times for a week will have a positive effect on your immunity and healthy mood. Sunflower kernels halva is a perfect drug to prevent depression and to fight stress.

So, help yourself with SeedWealth halva and stay always in a high mood!


Best regards,
Your SeedWealth team
